Thursday, August 20, 2009

Slowly, but Steadily

Today, I went to VHCC and got my schedule sorted out.  Tomorrow, I will go and get financial aid sorted out.  College, HERE I COME!!!

Anyway, yesterday, SkILLz sent me a beat for an RnB/Hip-Hop song he wants to do.  The title is “Cool You Down”.  This track is going to be fire, I spent a few hours last night recording the chorus for it, and I must say, it is awesome.  Here is the YouTube video:

TrYp MyNe - EXCLUSIVE!!! In The Studio!!!

So yeah, I spent a good hour or 2 working on this track, and I love the way the vocals turned out.  I will keep you all posted on how it’s going.  Other than that song, I’ve been trying to finish up some of the songs I have yet to complete. I have a good 3-4 songs that have a verse or 2 and a chorus, but aren’t completely written.  Hopefully, I can get some of those done today!!!!  Keep looking on here for updates, I will keep you all posted!!!!!  Thanks!!!

TrYp MyNe


Matt Smith

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