Monday, August 24, 2009

Keep Moving Forward

Right off the bat, I wanna say that I’m sick of it.  I’m sick of trying to support myself but NOBODY IN MY HOMETOWN EVEN WANTS TO HELP ME GO ANYWHERE!!!!  I post millions of bulletins, comments, and status updates about my music, and they just pass over them like any other update.  Where you at guys?  Want me to remember you when I get big if your not gonna at least read what I’m saying?  Don’t think so.  Look at it this way, I’m getting somewhere with this.  I’m collaborating with many artists, I know people who know major signed artists and could potentially get me the BIG status I’m longing for.  So honestly, If your not gonna help me get big or if you are just going to ride the train thinking your gonna be known for “knowing” me, I have nothing to do with you.  You mean nothing to me if you like me just because you think I’m going to end up some millionaire or something.  WHAT IF I DONT?  YOU GONNA JUST DROP ME AND MOVE ON?  Fine then.  At least I have people who love me for me and love that I’m living my ambition to become an artist, and not JUST an artist, a GOOD artist.  I won’t be some “YUAGGHH” Soulja Boy that got famous for a stupid dance move.  I will get famous for actually being a good artist, one that even old people would listen to.  That’s my goal here, to become an artist that anybody would listen to.  And so far, I’m doing pretty good. Thanks to the fans and supporters I do have.  You all are the motivation that keeps me going and keeps me pursuing my dream of being an artist.  I’m doing this for all of you all!!!  Thanks for believing in me!!!

TrYp MyNe


TrYp MyNe

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